A New Way to Model the Bay
A powerful open-access platform is offered free-of-charge to scientists, engineers, and planners developing solutions to one of the biggest problems facing the Bay Area: sea level rise.
The San Francisco Bay-Delta is a complex natural environment. Modeling the dynamics that govern its water levels and quality is critical to addressing climate change and improving flood resiliency. Previous models of the Bay-Delta have not been free or accessible for public use, lack consistent data across regions, or require substantial technical knowledge to use.
About the San Francisco Bay-Delta Community Model
The San Francisco Bay-Delta Community Model employs a high-resolution LiDAR mesh connecting the San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, allowing for detailed analysis of hydrodynamics, including still water levels (SWL), tide, and surge for the entire ecosystem. This new, open-access, and easy-to-use model is offered free of charge for use by Bay Area agencies, academic institutions, and members of the public. The San Francisco Bay-Delta Still Water Level Model covers an area from Point Reyes, up to the tidal limits near Sacramento and Vernalis.
Model Parameters
Due to its high resolution, the Still Water Level Model is limited to a one- and two-dimensional mesh. A separate three-dimensional (3D) Water Quality Model is also available. Because the 3D model uses a lower resolution mesh, it cannot be used for flood control purposes.
Developed by Experts
The San Francisco Bay-Delta Community Model was developed by Deltares USA and Deltares Netherlands, in partnership with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District.
San Francisco Bay-Delta Community Model Team
This website is maintained and owned by Deltares USA